Innovations Session N°8

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Catalysing young African agri-entrepreneurs’ investments

The recording of the session is available in English and French on YouTube


The way forward

In the decades ahead, food systems must respond to increased demand, higher quality standards, and the need to adopt sustainable approaches to address climatic and environmental challenges, while at the same time providing access to sufficient and nutritious food for a projected world population of over 9 billion by 2050. The young people of today and tomorrow must play a central role in helping the world meet these challenges. To do this they need relevant education and skills, as well as a broader institutional and policy environment that makes agricultural livelihoods an attractive proposition for talented youth. This means ensuring smallholder farmers are connected to markets, can better defend their interests through producer organisations, that rural women are empowered, and that access to modern technologies, land and financial services are provided in rural communities.

The availability of public goods, such as improved roads and communications infrastructure, well-designed legal and regulatory systems and educated labour are a prerequisite to private investment. Increasingly, the private sector is providing mobile technology, post-harvest facilities and processing capacity, and agricultural inputs in rural areas. Governments, investors and development partners should create new opportunities for youth in farming, expanding job opportunities in on-farm and off-farm activities. The realisation of future generations’ food security, the sustainable transformation of food systems and the combat against unemployment and migration all depend upon the successful implementation of strategies that make the agri-food sector more attractive for the youth. This requires smart policy responses that will help young investors overcome the numerous barriers they face.

Key points for discussion on promoting youth-led SMEs and businesses

  • What are the drivers of success of youth-led SMEs in the agrifood sector: what innovations, technologies, knowledge and finance do they attract and need?
  • How to upscale youth-led investments and rural youth enterprises?
  • What incentives can be provided to attract and retain youth-led SMEs and smallholders in value-addition in local and export markets?

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